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Summer Hockey

Summer Hockey will run from Sunday 28th April - Sunday 29th June 2025
(Excluding 26th May- 30th May)
The summer hockey programme is open to members and non-members.  There are lots of sessions available for those who want to play great hockey and also progress their hockey during the off-season. Players can communicate and pick the same sessions to attend together. Training times as follows:





5.30-6.30pm U8s and U10s Boys and Girls

6.30-7.30pm U12s U14s U16s Boys and Girls 

6.30-7.30pm U13 GKs

7.30-8.30pm Performance Boys and Girls (14+ Invite Only)

7.30-8.30pm 14+ GKs




6.00-7.00pm Elimination Skills and Goal-scoring 

7.00-8.00pm Performance Masterclass (14+ Invite Only Advanced)



5.30-6.30pm U8s and U10s Boys and Girls

6.30-7.30pm U12s U14s U16s Boys and Girls 

7.30-8.30pm Performance Boys and Girls (14+ Invite Only)




These will be focused around small unit play (mini game scenarios) and match play, so are an opportunity to use the skills you have been learning in the week and an opportunity just to play!


Sunday Times and Groups:

9.00-10.00 U8s

9.00-10.30 U10s and U12s 

10.30-12:00 U14 U16 U18 Boys and Girls Open Invite

10:30-12:00 Performance Boys and Girls (14+ Invite Only)



Midweek only (Tuesday or Thursday): £80 

Sundays only: £110

Wednesday Masterclass only: £60

Midweek and Sundays £160*

Full Access (anything your age group, two times midweek, masterclasses and Sundays): £199

* Midweek Options: If you sign up for the Midweek and Sunday Option (£160) you will need to choose the Tuesday OR Thursday session only.

Full Access includes Sundays, Masterclasses and BOTH midweek sessions. 


GKs who sign up will have full access to their own age group sessions as well as the GK training.


Sibling discounts available:

15% sibling 2

30% sibling 3 & 4


Camp T-shirts

We will provide a limited number of custom designed T-shirts for children who sign up for  summer  hockey. 

If you sign up for full access then you will receive two T-shirt designs.

The deadline for your Summer Hockey T-shirts sign up will be 10th March for personalised T-shirts.

If you miss this deadline there will be a second order, but they will not be personalised and delivery for the start of summer hockey will not be guaranteed.

The order forms will be out on March 4th and will be sent to all those who have booked for summer hockey via the google form.








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